Useful Resources
Free Flights for Patients
Founded in 1991, AFSC is based in Dallas and serves Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. With the help of amazing and generous volunteer pilots, we provide free flights for people in need of humanitarian assistance or medical treatment. For example, taking patients from Amarillo to MD Anderson in Houston, or from Albuquerque to Oklahoma City, or from Borger to Cook Children’s in Fort Worth. Click Here for more information.
Quality Home Healthcare
Each patient and family we are privileged to serve is unique. Our ongoing mission is to design a specific plan to help those in our care achieve their best possible health – in the comfort of home. Under the direct supervision of the referring physician, our highly skilled home care professionals deliver quality, compassionate care. We also include families and caregivers in the care process, offering valuable information, guidance and – most of all – support. Click Here for more information.